
I was attracted to becoming a Peer Support Partner with the hope of being able to help others. I have had the disease for many years and was able to deal with many ups and downs with my brother who was also diagnosed with the disease 9 years after I was. My experience working with people going through trauma as a police detective has prepared me.

I am retired and enjoy sailing, woodworking, and photography.

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Patients talking about Peer Support

"We met for coffee and talked for 3 hours. We both thought it was nice to talk to someone who gets it. We will try and get together again soon."

- Clare Coco, Peer Support Partner

Peer Support Brochure
Peer Support Application Form


"It was nice to share internal thoughts that accompany us on this journey, especially regarding the affects and effects of the medicines and other treatments we have thried or are currently using"

- Elizabeth Benson, a Patient Partner

Peer Support Brochure
Peer Support Application Form


PARASS StaffContact PARASSFAQ's   PARASS Study © 2025      Funded byamgen

Dr. Nancy Shadick, Director
Brigham & Women's Hospital - 75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115